The lab inside the wall is for Alfred Nobel, there are 3 rooms; and the outside lab is for Jacques-Yves Cousteau; there 3 platforms used as meeting point, 2 inside the wall and 1 outside the wall.

Comment how relate to your "ElectroLiquid Aggregation" quote: this part is the meeting point outside the wall, it shows a feeling of "we won't act like barbarians in the sea".

Comment how relate to your "ElectroLiquid Aggregation" quote: this part connects the ramp to Alfred Nobel's lab and the meeting point, the grooves on the ground separate the 2 different places.

Comment how relate to your "ElectroLiquid Aggregation" quote: the ramp goes up to Alfred Nobel's lab, the groove in the middle divides the ramp into halves.
Texture used
